On this page you can find the latest information on the rebuild of Pike Close estate in the London Borough of Bromley.
Latest news
Our latest update
January 2025
Construction progress remains positive. In February, Thames Water are due to complete the water connection into the first new block, Samara House. Also, final inspections and building compliance checks will take place also before Riverside takes over the building from Countryside.
We are continuing to actively engage with residents due to move into Samara House, in preparation for their upcoming move in the spring. This is an exciting time for residents as we approach a key milestone in the redevelopment with the completion of the first new homes.
Phase one construction update
November 2024
It is an exciting time as we are approaching the final stages of the construction of the first block, with the new homes nearly complete. We will soon enter the quality control phase, where Countryside will hand over the homes to us for inspections. Externally, the balconies are now installed, and Countryside are aiming to complete the hard landscaping before the festive break.
In the new year, Countryside will start on soft landscaping and adjust the site hoarding to prepare for the handover of the first new homes. Internally, we will continue quality checks on the communal areas.
Residents tour their future home
August 2024
This month, residents due to move in the first new homes at our Pike Close redevelopment scheme in Bromley had the opportunity to step inside their soon-to-be homes. It was an exciting moment as they had a first look at the spaces, including the kitchens and bathrooms they selected during the last consultation. One of the residents said: “I am overwhelmed, you don’t know how much this means to me. I can’t wait to move in.”
Construction update
We are pleased to share that Countryside has successfully completed the electrical fittings and the underfloor heating system to all homes, with the installation of the kitchens and bathrooms to continue for the rest of the year. Balconies and the external brick work are due to be finished in the Autumn, and scaffolding will then be removed. The first 29 homes are on track for completion by Spring 2025 and residents are expected to move in shortly after.
Delivering social value, community event
July 2024
Together with our joint venture partners, Countryside we held a community event on the estate to gather residents’ feedback and ideas on the positive impact they would like to see in the community through the regeneration of their estate, such as generating new jobs, training, and community projects. The information gathered will help kickstart the process of creating tailored social value proposals that address the specific needs and aspirations of the community.
Construction update
The external brickwork is progressing at pace. Internally, the installation of bathrooms and kitchens is underway, ahead of decorations due to commence in mid-August. The construction of the first 29 homes at Pike Close is on track for completion in Spring 2025. We will continue to engage with the local community to minimise any disruption whilst works are ongoing.
Our latest update
June 2024
The construction of the first 29 homes is progressing well. The electrical substation supplying the new development is now in place and we expect power to be live in coming months. Brick work is nearly half complete. The solar panels on the roof space have been installed, with final commissioning due later in the year.
The concrete floors to each home have been finished, which includes the installation of the underfloor heating system underneath. The internal partitions within individual homes and the instillation of electrical fittings, such as cabling and plug outlets, have been completed to all homes and communal areas.
What’s next?
The external brick work is due to be finished in the Autumn, and scaffolding will then be removed. Also, internal fit out work will continue throughout the rest of the year, with installation of some of the kitchens and bathrooms to the lower levels to commence soon. We appreciate the cooperation of our residents and the local community as we work with Countryside towards building a better estate.
Riverside and Countryside celebrate milestone at Pike Close
March 2024
Earlier this month, we held a ‘topping out’ ceremony of the first new block at Pike Close. We would like to thank the residents who joined us on the day to mark this milestone.
Along with residents and the teams from Riverside and Countryside, local Councillors, representatives from the Greater London Authority, consultants and the architects attended the ceremony.
This is an exciting time for residents living on the estate as we continue to make progress with the construction of the first 29 homes at Pike Close, due to be completed in Spring 2025.
The construction of the first new block is progressing well
January 2024
Countryside has completed the reinforced concrete frame, with scaffolding now being installed around the perimeter of the building, floor by floor, until April. Window installations have also started this month and will be ongoing until the Summer; the brickwork façade will be completed in the Spring.
Over the coming weeks, we will be engaging with residents due to move in the first new block to confirm choices on kitchens in future homes, and we will continue to support them through the allocation of the first new homes.
Our latest update
December 2023
This is an exciting time for residents at Pike Close as the first new block is taking shape, with construction in full swing; the first new homes are on track to be completed by spring 2025.
Following our recent resident choices event, where residents of phase one and Resident Focus Group members were invited to pick their preferences on kitchens in future homes, we have shortlisted the options that were chosen and residents due to move in the first block will soon be able to pick from these options what they would like to see in their new home.
As we approach the end of 2023, we want to take the opportunity to thank residents for their support this year as we make further progress with the construction of the first new block. We look forward to continuing to engage with them in the new year on the ongoing construction works, whilst supporting residents in phase one through the allocation of the first new homes.
Construction update
November 2023
This is an exciting time for residents at Pike Close as the first new block is taking shape, with construction in full swing; the first new homes are on track to be completed by spring 2025.
What’s happening?
Following our recent resident choices event, where residents in phase one shared their preferences around kitchens and bathrooms in future homes, we have now shortlisted design options for the first new homes and residents due to move in the first block will soon be able to pick from these options what they would like to see in their new home.
We have installed a new time-lapse camera
The new device captures birds’ eye images at regular intervals over a period of time, which are then compiled into a video, giving the effect of recording an event or scene fast forward. You can stay up to date with the latest site activities by accessing the latest image captured by this device and the compiled video via this link.
In the coming months, we will continue to engage with residents at Pike Close on the ongoing construction works to minimise any disruption, whilst supporting residents through the allocation of the first new homes.
The first phase of construction has now begun
August 2023
We are excited to have started construction on the first new homes, following extensive site enabling works, which began in July 2022. The early works to build the foundations of the first new block (piling) have now been completed; these consisted in drilling holes into the ground, which were then filled with concrete and steel reinforcement to form the base of the new building.
What’s happening?
Countryside have now begun groundworks for the new block; we anticipate these to last approximately 12 weeks. At the end of this month, a tower crane will be erected within the hoarding line to support this construction phase.
This is a significant step towards building the new estate that will improve the quality of life for existing residents and future generations. Completion of the first phase of new homes is expected in early 2025.
As activities pick up on site, we will continue to engage with residents and meet regularly with our new focus group, made of residents and their local Councillors, to ensure everyone on the estate is kept up to date.
Further progress with enabling works in preparation for phase one construction
June 2023
Dycut has now successfully demolished the podium car park; we want to thank residents once again for their cooperation while these works were carried out.
What’s happening?
This month, Countryside is installing the platform for the piling rig used to complete the foundation works for the first new block. Once this has been completed, they will be carrying out further planned works to reroute an underground water pipe.
The laying of the foundations of the first new block is due to start next month; this is an exciting time as it will mark the start of phase one construction which is due to be completed in Winter 2025.
Our new construction focus group
We have set up a new resident focus group, to discuss any concerns related to the ongoing construction works as part of the redevelopment of Pike Close.
This new group will meet regularly with our construction partners, Countryside, the Independent Tenant Advisors, Source Partnership and Riverside. The aim of these meetings is for residents, Riverside and our partners to work together during construction.
Planned works completed this week
April 2023
Our housing and regen teams were at Pike Close this week to support residents while our development partners Countryside carried out some planned works to reroute the existing heating system in preparation for start on site this Summer. We are pleased it all went to plan and want to thank everyone again for your cooperation during this time.
What’s happening?
Countryside is making provisions for a temporary loading bay, to provide a safe area to allow the delivery of building materials, and to reduce the impact of heavy vehicles having to travel through the site for the duration of phase 1 construction. Works have started this month and we anticipate they will be completed in early May.
We apologise for the slow progress of the demolition of the podium car park. Countryside have been busy planning works to divert the existing pipe work and to install the construction pit lane along the boundary of Burnt Ash Lane, which will need to take place before we progress with the main works to the podium car park. We anticipate the podium car park will be fully demolished by the end of May.
Resident handout
You can find some useful information, including the construction timeline, decant and phasing, and the engagement timetable in the handout we distributed while on site this week.
What’s next?
Over the coming months, we will continue to engage with our resident and gather their feedback on some key topics around the redevelopment of Pike Close, such as allocations of the new homes, living costs, and what your home will look like. Monthly drop-in surgeries with the project team, and your Independent Tenant Advisors, Source Partnership, will continue to take place on the estate.
Enabling works continue to progress on the estate
December 2022
Since our last update, we have made further progress with enabling works on the estate, ahead of start on site in the new year.
Internal works at Wells House are progressing well. The construction of the temporary car park behind Lavisham House is taking longer than we originally anticipated; we expect these works to finish in late January. Once this is complete, we will ask those of you parking at Burnt Ash Heights podium and Wells House car park to start using the new space by the agreed date.
In response to resident feedback, Countryside has arranged a temporary pedestrian access point to the main road from Burnt Ash Heights, within the Wells House car park area. This will be in place until Countryside use this space to start construction.
The construction of the temporary car park has now started
October 2022
We are pleased to announce that Countryside has started work to build the temporary car park behind Lavisham House, which will provide parking for Burnt Ash Heights, Wells and Mede House residents for the duration of the construction programme. This follows the approval of our planning application for the redevelopment of the estate by Bromley in March 2022.
In conjunction with the carpark being built, Countryside will also carry out internal work in Wells House to build the emergency fire exit route, to ensure the block continues to provide two exits during construction.
What’s next?
Once the car park is complete, we will be able to progress further with the enabling works, which will involve the erection of hoarding in parts of the estate and vacant possession of Burnt Ash Heights podium car park.
Riverside will continue to keep residents updated about the works as we take a significant step towards building a new estate that will improve the quality of life for existing tenants and future generations.
Pike Close residents ‘Meet the Builder’
June 2022
Residents at Pike Close attended an event this month to meet with our construction partner, Countryside and ask questions about the upcoming construction works on the estate, and how they will impact them.
At the event, the project team, including our construction partners Countryside, presented the phased construction plan for the estate to residents. This included a timetable and details of the works, changes to the design made by Bromley Council, and upcoming community engagement activities.
What’s next?
The construction phasing will begin with enabling works, which will start later this year, and then progress through four phases.
To ensure the health and safety of our residents and allow construction to start, Countryside will erect hoarding and suspend parking in parts of the estate. To make up for the loss of parking bays, a temporary car park will be built at the back of Lavisham House.
Riverside will continue to engage with tenants over the coming months as building work gears up.
Planning application for redevelopment scheme approved
March 2022
Riverside are pleased to announce that the Bromley planning committee voted in favour of the proposal to redevelop Pike Close.
This means the planning application has been approved and Riverside, along with construction partner – Countryside – will be able to proceed with the redevelopment of the estate.
Riverside are now working with Bromley council to finalise the legal agreement, which is linked to the planning permission, before work begins.
What’s next?
Riverside will be in touch over the coming weeks to invite residents to an event to meet developer partners, Countryside, and discuss the construction plan and timetable going forward.