Our service to you
PrintWe’re really pleased to see customer satisfaction levels have increased despite the huge disruptions caused by Covid-19. We have been committed to improving customer satisfaction through the implementation of our Customer Plan and will continue to drive improvement through a dedicated Customer Experience action plan.
Over the last year we’ve made some huge strides forward to improve the overall customer experience.
- Over 17,500 customers are now registered on our self-service portal.
- Customers are helping us to create our Riverside App, which will “go live” later in the year. The app will allow customers to easily access their account, book repairs, pay rent and view statements within a few clicks from their smartphone.
- Our “Live chat” function was launched in December, supporting customer queries digitally and providing information on how to use our online services.
- Customers are now able to reset their My Riverside login details in real-time through our live chat service
- By having the right people, in the right place, at the right time, we have been able to answer more calls from our customers in our Customer Service Centre.
- Our continued focus on customer service has meant we have answered calls more quickly, thereby reducing wait times for our customers
- We have successfully implemented a new IT system which means that our customer service advisors have all the information they need, ready for when you call.
- We are piloting “Remote Video Technology” which will help us to diagnose repairs and faults for customers to improve our customer experience by getting it right first time.
- Our focus will be on First Point Resolution which means our customer service advisors have been trained to resolve your issue wherever possible, without you needing to call us back.