Calverley Close redevelopment FAQs
PrintOn this page you can find answers to questions residents of Calverley Close have asked us. For a more comprehensive guide to your most asked questions please click here.
Resident choices
1. Why is there only one type of kitchen cabinet handle and what if we do not like that specific type as they could be considered dangerous?
We provided a selection of kitchen cabinet handles for the Resident Focus Group (RFG) to pick from. The RFG were asked to pick their favourite style and the most popular will now be installed in all the new homes at Calverley Close. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer another choice for this product. All the kitchens installed in the new homes will be supplied by Moore’s, who are an established company providing safe and robust products. All products that we provide in the new homes will be safe.
2. Will the bath taps have a shower hose fitting?
The baths will be fitted with both a hose fitting and handheld shower attachment, and also a shower screen.
3. Why can't we have different coloured floorings in each room so we can personalise our homes?
Riverside are offering residents a range of flooring colours for their new homes to make their homes personal, whilst at the same time reflecting what is practical and feasible to install in the new homes.
4. On the layout plans what is the rectangular symbol in the garden?
This is showing the bicycle storage facility that will be provided in the private rear gardens of all the houses.
5. Will there be built in wardrobes in the houses?
There will not be any built-in wardrobes provided in the new houses.
6. Can you add the front door design and the surface of the amenity space to the brochure?
The front doors have not currently been agreed with Countryside, we will share the design details and colours once we have further information. We will also discuss the details of the amenity space and play areas at a future event.
7. Can I get to choose between open/close kitchen plan?
The houses have been designed as shown in the layout drawings that we have recently issued to residents. We will not be able to redesign the kitchens to incorporate a choice of open or closed plan kitchens.
8. I have a gas cooker. Will you give me extra money to replace it with an electric cooker?
You will be issued a Disturbance payment when you move into your new home, this can be used to cover costs you may have because of the move and will cover items such as a replacement cooker if you currently have a gas one.
9. Do we have a choice on gas/electric cooker?
All new homes will be electric only. This is in line with the policies for new homes set by the Greater London Authority required as part of our funding arrangements with them and to ensure the new homes are as energy efficient and environmentally friendly as possible.
Allocation of the new homes
10. How will homes be allocated? Who will get their first choice if two people want it?
Homes will be allocated as per the Local Lettings Plan for the development. Primarily this is based on your housing need and the phase that you are required to move in, lastly it will come down to the length of tenancy.
11. I want to downsize but there are not enough homes of the right size and I don't want to pay rent for an extra room I don't need.
Due to the continual change in housing need across the estate it is difficult to be able to accommodate all household changes. For those that wish to downsize and we don’t have a suitable property to offer, we will either offer you a home that is of the same size as your current home or, if possible, a smaller home that best meets your housing need.
12. Will tenants with children be prioritised for the few larger gardens?
The size of the gardens is not considered during allocation.
13. What if some of my existing items/furniture does not fit in the new house. Will they be replaced or compensated?
Although your Disturbance payments will cover the cost of moving, we will not be compensating you for items/furniture that does not fit. We will support residents as far as possible to ensure their existing items are moved and/or dismantled/reassembled in the new home.
14. If a tenant disagrees with the Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment or wants something different, what is the appeal process?
Riverside will design your home in line with your OT assessment. Home Independence are the specialist company appointed to assess your needs and will ensure your new home allows you live safely and independently.
15. Are tenants able to mutual exchange whilst living on regen schemes?
You are able to mutual exchange before you move into your new home however, it is important to note that you will not receive anything that relates to the regeneration scheme, such as removals costs or a Home Loss payment. You can consider mutual exchange at any time after you move into your new home.
Meet the builder event - July 2023
Can you provide the timeline for noisy and dusty works?
Yes, we will provide this information in advance of works which might be particularly disruptive to neighbouring residents. Countryside will be issuing regular newsletters throughout the construction process to update residents of what is happening in the future.
Are Countryside’s construction workers vetted?
Yes, Countryside carries out all relevant checks before offering employment to any workers. They have also signed up to the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CSC), which promotes high standards and accountability within the industry. This means that they must always follow a code of practice and are visited by an independent monitor who scores their performance.
Who is the approved contractor?
Countryside is the developer and main contractor; they will either carry out works themselves or outsource some elements of the work to specialist subcontractors who are appointed directly by them.
Who is responsible for security while works are ongoing?
Countryside is responsible for security on site for the duration of the build programme. The site boundary lines will be monitored by CCTV security cameras.
Will you have a construction holding bay for deliveries?
Yes, Countryside will make provisions for a holding bay where deliveries will be stored; this is likely to sit outside the site boundary.
You said traffic disturbance was going to be minimal in the first phase, but this has now changed, why is that?
The original plan for phase 1 has been amended to allow Countryside to build all 20 houses in this phase all at once (instead of building 16 houses first and the remaining 4 later). This means that construction traffic will have to go through the estate from the first phase of construction instead of via a temporary road. This change will significantly reduce disturbance to residents moving into the newly built houses, as Countryside will not need to return to this area later to build the remaining 4 houses.
We are concerned about sharing routes with construction traffic, what are you doing to minimise impact to residents with cars?
Countryside will ensure that all deliveries are booked in advance and managed by the Site Traffic Marshal; these will be restricted to working hours (Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm; Saturday, 8am-1pm).
Will I be charged for parking on the estate?
You will not be charged. If you have already advised us you have a vehicle, you will be allocated a parking space within the new development.
Will there be enough spaces for visitors?
The parking design is in accordance with the requirements of Bromley Planners and the Greater London Authority. We will be providing spaces for the households who said they had a car when we carried our parking survey. It is anticipated that all parking spaces will be allocated to residents living on the estate, so it’s likely that visitors will need to park elsewhere. We will be discussing the parking allocation and management strategy closer to the time of allocating you your new home.
How many electric charging points will we have in the car park?
Up to 25 of the 125 vehicle parking spaces (20%) will have use of an electric charging point, which can be increased to all the spaces in the future, subject to demand. One car club space will also be included in the total number of parking spaces
The temporary car park is not next to where my new house will be, how can you guarantee that my car won’t be stolen?
We can’t guarantee this; however, the car park will be lit at night and our housing team can discuss any individual concerns with you in due course.
I have a disability and the temporary car park isn’t next to my property, have you considered my needs?
Riverside have listened to the individual concerns that have been raised about accessibility, and we will have conversations with those residents to address any specific concerns.
How can you guarantee that workers will not be parking on the estate?
Countryside has included this condition in the contract of employment with their construction workers and will monitor this closely.
Can you consider having a resident parking permit system in place, to prevent outsiders from parking on the estate?
We can consider this suggestion in respect of the parking areas which are situated on Riverside land; this will need further consultation with residents through Riverside’s housing team. The road leading into Calverley Close is owned and maintained by Bromley Council; this means that we have limited control in how this part of the road is managed, but we will raise residents’ concerns with them again.
Moving into your new home
What’s the moving day for each block?
The Meet the Builder presentation contains an indicative timeline for the construction of each block in the new development. Once all relevant checks have been carried out and the new homes in each block handed over to Riverside, we will arrange moves with residents included in each phase. We will provide you with regular updates as building works progresses and plenty of notice before your moving in date.
You mention decanting people, are we moving to a temporary home?
No, you will move only once to your new permanent home once built.
Your new home
I have a gas cooker. Will you give me extra money to replace it with an electric cooker?
You will be issued a disturbance payment when you move into your new home, this can be used to cover costs you may have because of the move and will cover items such as a replacement cooker.
We were told that you will be providing white goods, is this still the case?
The offer of white goods was not included in the commitments Riverside made to resident before the ballot in 2021.
Do we have a choice on gas/electric cooker?
All new homes will have facility for an electric cooker only. This forms part of the overall energy strategy for the new development to ensure the new homes are as energy efficient and environmentally friendly as possible. This is in line with the policies for new homes set by the Greater London Authority required as part of our funding arrangements with them.
The size of the new homes is a concern for me.
All the new homes will meet or exceed Greater London Authority’s size standards; we will be discussing home layouts in more detail at a separate event in Winter 2023.
We feel that you didn’t listen to the choices we discussed with the architects before the ballot.
Design options shared before or during the ballot were indicative and we have always specified that plans were subject to change during the planning process, managed by Bromley Council. We will upload the layouts for the houses in the first phase onto our website by September 2023; and we will be holding a separate event to go through those and discuss any queries with you in Winter 2023.
Can we have a copy of the confirmed home layouts?
We will upload the layouts for the houses in the first phase onto our website by September 2023; and we will be holding a separate event to go through those with you in Winter 2023.
Your tenancy
How can you say that I will keep the same tenancy rights, I’m on a Secure tenancy and these are no longer issued.
Although Riverside may not be able to offer the exact same type of tenancy for your new home, we will maintain the same tenancy conditions for Assured and Secure tenancies. We will hold individual conversations to go through this with you. You can also discuss any concerns with your Resident Liaison Officer, Mandy, your Housing Officer, Tracy, or your Independent Tenant Advisors, Rob and Carol from Source.
Aids and adaptations
I have aids and adaptations in my property. An Occupational Therapist (OT) has recently carried out an assessment in my home. Can we have the same aids and adaptations’ specs we currently have?
Countryside will design your new home based on the information we hold on your needs, which will include aids and adaptations recommended in the OT’s assessment. Riverside will hold individual conversations with the residents concerned.
How about access around the house for wheelchair users?
The information we have on file for you from the Occupational Therapist’s assessment will be discussed with Countryside, so that they can design your new home based on your needs and required adaptations. Riverside will talk with you individually about this; you can also discuss any concerns directly with your Resident Liaison Officer, Mandy.
Your estate
The estate has been managed poorly. We have lost trust in Riverside.
Riverside remains committed to the promises we made to residents before the residents’ ballot. We appreciate that the existing estate is of poor quality and as a result, you have been experiencing issues, such as antisocial behaviour and repairs on the estate.
We want to stress that Riverside continues to invest in, and maintain, the existing estate to ensure that it remains fit for purpose. Also, our plans for the future of your estate, which you voted in favour in the resident ballot, aim to tackle these issues by providing quality, new homes fit for the future and with improved security.
Can we influence/change this plan?
Calverley Close is your home and your views are very important to us, so we will continue to seek them as the project moves forward. We feel that this design meets all of the important planning principals, including building quality, accessibility and layout. Calverley Close residents as well as the Greater London Authority (GLA), Bromley Council and Riverside will all influence the final plans. Following our positive vote at the ballot, further consultation events will be arranged before submitting the detailed planning application to ensure we incorporate and respond to your feedback. Many of the finer details such as landscaping, play space, boundary treatments, parking, and balcony designs and other elements of the proposals, are still to be worked through with your input.
How many homes are you building?
We propose to build 179 affordable homes. These will be made up of existing social rented homes for current residents and those tenants who have moved off the estate with the right to return, and also London Affordable Rented homes. We also propose to build 179 homes for private sale. This amounts to 358 homes in total. However, the final number of homes constructed will be subject to planning permission.
Have Bromley council approved the new build units to be visible from the park?
Bromley Council will continue to provide guidance on building heights prior to the submission of our planning application. The scheme, including final building heights, will be considered for approval by the council when the planning application is submitted.
Why have the houses been tucked away at the back and not at the front of the estate? Why are all the affordable homes at one end of the site?
The houses and blocks of flats are designed in this location in order to provide a single move for residents living in the existing homes. This is to ensure that we can keep the existing community together and build the affordable homes first. The first place we can build is on the land where Warner House is currently situated. If the houses were designed elsewhere on the site, it is likely residents in the houses would not be able to move straight into their new home and would have to move twice.
Why do the private sale have podium parking and green space right outside their front door?
The third block (with podium) is currently a mix of private and affordable homes including homes for Social Rent, both will have access to the podium amenity space. Elsewhere on the site, both ground floor private and affordable homes have green space outside their front doors. This is in addition to the two publicly accessible green spaces on site. All residents will also have private amenity space.
What commitments are Riverside making to ensure my homes is better quality to the one I currently live in?
We are committed to providing you with a home that meets your housing need in terms of size, space and design. Homes will be on one level (with the exception of the houses) which will improve accessibility, especially for older residents or anyone less mobile. Every household will have their own private outdoor space. Homes will meet current building standards, which will mean much better sound proofing and higher space standards for many tenants. The new estate will incorporate Secured by Design (SBD) principles. SBD is the official police security initiative that aims to reduce crime and help people live more safely.
Do we have a say in where we want to live?
Yes, your housing need survey recorded your preferences. We will offer you a home that meets your housing need and will then work with you to meet your preferences as far as possible. This will include the floor you will prefer to live on, and who you would like to be housed near to. We will look at these issues in more detail when we are ready and able to begin the allocations process.
What home size will I be entitled to in the new development?
The size of the home you will be entitled to will be based on the housing need information you provided us with. It is your responsibility to ensure that you inform us of any changes to your housing need by contacting your Resident Liaison Officer, Mandy Rana on 07929 368603 or via email at [email protected].
What if my circumstances change over the period of redevelopment?
It is your responsibility to inform Riverside as soon as possible on any changes to your housing need. If your housing need changes later on and we are unable to accommodate your changes, we will work with you to identify a suitable alternative home that meets your needs.
Will the houses have a drive and garage?
There will be no drives or garages.
How many houses will be built?
We are building 20 houses to meet the current needs of residents living in the existing (3 bed and above) family size houses on site.
Do we know if the communal dish is to be upgraded so residents can benefit from the full package from TV providers?
The new development will have modern technology installed to ensure you can receive SKY television packages, improved broadband and much more.
How many bedrooms will the houses have as my housing needs is a 5 bed?
Re-provided homes (flats and houses) will be built to meet housing needs of our existing tenants on the estate. If your housing need is for a five bed house, this is what we will provide for you. You are building to reprovide the existing social rented homes and also additional affordable homes, who will the extra homes be going to? Riverside is a not for profit housing association which exists to meet housing need and we are committed to addressing the national housing shortage wherever possible. We will liaise with the local authority to agree a lettings plan for these extra homes.
Will those already in a house be getting a house?
Residents currently living in the houses with at least a 3 bedroom housing need, will be provided with a house.
I have a very large flat will I be getting the same?
The proposed flats will meet current minimum London Housing Design space standards. Details on exact flat sizes and allocations will be available before construction. Homes will also be built to meet modern building standards. Whilst we may not be able to replicate the size of larger flats, the quality of the accommodation will be greatly improved and will include increased soundproofing and storage, modern regulations which will improve the sound proofing between flats.
Will I keep the same tenancy agreement as I have now?
Secure tenancies do not exist anymore so how can you re-provide these? Under the current single move proposal, you will retain your existing tenancy agreement when you move into your new home. As you will be moving from your existing home straight into your new home, this will not break your tenancy agreement and therefore your rights will not change. If there were to be a change in our proposal that required a temporary move off site (i.e. moving twice), we would consult with you first and also discuss any changes to your tenancy as a result of moving twice.
Will service charge costs increase?
Service charges will be assessed once we have progressed the design proposal and agreed the new services to be provided. For example, new lifts in all blocks will attract a service charge. Workshops will be held with tenants at a later date to discuss service charges and the level at which they will be set. We will work with you to ensure that service charge costs are kept affordable and represent good value for money.
How much will my council tax be?
The banding and cost of your council tax is set by the London Borough of Bromley.
How much will my rent be?
Existing rent levels for each unit size will remain the same. They will not increase as a result of the new development. If you are up-sizing, i.e. you currently live in a 2 bed property, and your housing need is a 3 bed, you will be allocated a 3 bed home in the new development and pay the existing social rent for that size property. The same would apply if you were downsizing or remaining in the same size property.