Managed services

The EMB is directed by tenants and residents from the Hartsbourne estate who delegate duties to staff to carry out housing management duties. Tenants voted the EMB back in to manage their estate in March 2017. The board and staff are working hard to ensure high standards are maintained and Childwall Valley continues to be a good, positive place to live. With 570 properties, a close working relationship between tenants and their landlord Riverside is a must. The EMB receive allowances to manage and deliver the following services:

Childwall Valley Estate Management Board (EMB)


About us

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The EMB is directed by tenants and residents from the Hartsbourne estate who delegate duties to staff to carry out housing management duties. Tenants voted the EMB back in to manage their estate in March 2017.  The board and staff are working hard to ensure high standards are maintained and Childwall Valley continues to be a good, positive place to live. With 570 properties, a close working relationship between tenants and their landlord Riverside is a must. The EMB receive allowances to manage and deliver the following services:

  • Repairs
  • Gas servicing
  • Voids and lettings
  • Community Engagement

An office on the estate opens Monday to Thursday 9:15am to 12:15pm and Friday by appointment only for tenants to access these and other services. Office phone lines 0151 488 1530 are covered by EMB staff, Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. The EMB’s in-house repairs team delivers a fast, efficient, and reliable repairs service.

The EMB and Riverside work together on issues that could affect tenants such as welfare reform, money matters, training and employment support.

Tenancy Management Information

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The Riverside Housing Officer discusses the importance of the tenancy agreement during sign up when tenants receive the keys to their new home.  Home visits are also arranged to ensure tenancies are running smoothly and the tenant has settled in well.  Staff are available to discuss any tenancy issues, such as adding on new household members or name changes if an occupant has left, married or passed away; or if you are having neighbour problems, or suffering harassment or domestic violence, as well as any problems with rent.

The EMB’s Community Officer will visit to explain what the benefits of being a member of the EMB are including facilities such as community walled garden, day trips for tenants and their children, as well as events and fun days.

Each new tenant receives an information leaflet which has lots of useful information about the Estate Management Board, our work and how residents can get involved shaping their community.  The Community Officer organises, neighbourhood walkabouts, which takes place with residents, local Councillors, Police Officers staff and board members to provide an opportunity to improve any issues or make suggestions to improve  the service delivery in the area.

Childwall Valley EMB Board

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Prior to stock transfer to Lee Valley Housing Association, then later Riverside; the tenants and residents were not happy with their estate.  The repair service was very limited resulting in properties in poor condition on an estate where no one wanted to live; which then attracted vandals and an increase in anti-social behaviour.

A community group known as HADCA, Hartsbourne and District Community Association told the Council they were not happy with the service they received and that they could do better themselves!  So in their own time they spent the next 2 years training on managing a housing estate.  HADCA then asked tenants for their vote of confidence and they won!  In April 2000 Childwall Valley Estate Management Board was formed.  Four members of HADCA are still fully involved today. For information on our location see the information box at the top of the page.

Childwall Valley EMB Board

  • Teresa Edwards – tenant board member elected Sept 2014 – elected chair of the board in 2020
  • Joan Minard – tenant member.  Joan has been a committee member since 1998
  • Anne Geraghty – homeowner member since 1998 and elected secretary in 2009
  • Karen Perrin – tenant board member since 2003
  • Carmel McNiven – tenant board member since 2019
  • Michelle Innes – tenant board member since 2020
  • Tony Glennon – tenant board member since 2021

Nominee Board Members

  • Councillor Lynnie Hinnigan
  • Eddie Geraghty – home owner member since 1998 was a board member now observer
  • Mrs Pat Glennon – tenant board observer since 2020
  • Brian Dimmick – Riverside neighbourhood manager

Meet the team

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Janet McGinley – EMB Manager

Carol Reddecliff – Community Officer

James McGinley – Repairs Performance & Compliance Manager

Joanne Howard – Administrator

Brian Dimmick – Neighbourhood Manager

Jacqueline Ulring – Housing Officer

Joanne Evans – Housing Officer