Equality, diversity and inclusion


Welcome to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) Annual Report for 2023-4.

Two years ago, we adopted a refreshed ED&I Policy for the whole Group, based on the following principles:

Riverside aims to:

  • Prevent discrimination, eliminate prejudice, promote inclusion and celebrate diversity within the organisation.
  • Be fair in our dealings with all people – board members, colleagues, customers, volunteers and partners – with whom we have relationships, taking into account the diverse nature of their culture and backgrounds.
  • Ensure that ED&I is embedded in everything we do.

You can find the full policy here.

To ensure that the policy drives change, the following year we developed our first ED&I Strategy to provide a greater focus to our work across the whole Group, identifying priority activities and measurable targets. However, the context in which we work is ever-changing. Since then, the Regulator of Social Housing has published new consumer standards, raising the bar on requirements and bringing a welcome emphasis on understanding and meeting the diverse needs of our customers. Whilst we had already anticipated many of these changes in our strategy, we have also had to be flexible too. There is still a lot to do.

Fortunately, our drive to improve ED&I at Riverside is led by a highly committed Board, whose own profile has become more diverse over the past year. But our work is also driven by a very broad grassroots effort, supported by the excellent work of four very active colleague groups. In addition, many of our teams have their own ED&I plans, and we often reflect that whilst the ‘big ticket’ initiatives are important, the key to driving real change is when every part of the organisation commits to doing one or two small things each year. It all adds up.

This report sets out our progress in improving ED&I at Riverside, including information about the activities and achievements of our colleague groups. To ensure transparency, it also provides data on the makeup of our boards and committees, customers and colleagues against key protected characteristics.

We hope this information is interesting, and if you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact our Strategy and Planning team via [email protected].


We care

We put our customers first every time, going the extra mile to make sure we deliver great homes and services that they need and want.

We are inclusive

We respect and value the diversity of our customers and colleagues, welcoming and appreciating the contribution of others.

We are trusted

We have high standards and work hard to meet them, taking ownership and performing at our best.