Rent a home

You can apply for many of our homes on different websites and through local authorities. Find out how and search for the area you want to live in.

Other homes


You can apply for many of our homes on different websites and through local authorities.

In some areas this is via a waiting list that you need to register for. The other option is through a local choice based lettings partnership which lets you apply for the homes you’re interested in rather than going on a waiting list. Where possible, we advertise our homes through these lettings partnerships where you can see properties from lots of landlords all in one place.

In some areas, a number of properties are also given to people referred by the local authority. This is called a local authority nomination.

Other Homes

How do I apply for a home?

Search for the area that you want to live in below and follow the instructions for the relevant scheme in that area. The process does involve filling in some forms online so please be ready for that.


We advertise many of our properties for your area through South Derbyshire Homefinder. This is a Choice Based Lettings system that allows you to bid on the home that you want. The site is the way social housing is allocated in South Derbyshore and is grouped with Derby Homes and some of the local housing associations in the city.  You will need to check if you are eligible to apply, which can be done through the housing options wizard. The website lets you search for available homes, bid on a property, apply to swap a home, apply to swap a home and find out other housing options in the area. Before you can bid on a home, though you will need to fill in an application form so they can check your details and eligibility. Properties are put on advert as they come available each weekday and are then advertised for six days.  You may wish to visit our site twice a week to see all of our properties. You can see properties which are currently on advert by going to Property Search. Each property advert tells you the landlord, location, size, rent and other features of the property to help you decide if it is right for you.  The advert also tells you if there are any special requirements that you would need to meet such as the Band advertised to or specific age requirements.