PrintOn this page you can find answers to questions residents of Hallwood Park and Palace Fields have asked us.
Why can’t you just tidy up the area?
You have told us the area needs:
- Better housing choices and Local Centre
- A safer community
- Better and safe travel
- Community activities
- Climate Change Responsibility
None of this can be achieved by making small improvements or doing quick fixes. The aim of the regeneration project is to create a community that is attractive, accessible, safe and with local services that meets your and future generation’s needs. All shaped in consultation with you.
To deliver the changes the community has asked for, including a mix of homes for rent and sale to help people onto the property ladder, as well as creating a new local centre and improving neighbourhood safety, we will need to demolish some homes.
Why do you need to demolish some homes?
To deliver the changes the community has asked for, including a mix of homes for rent and sale to help people onto the property ladder, as well as creating a new local centre and improving neighbourhood safety, we will need to demolish some homes.
I’m an owner occupier. If my home is chosen for demolition (once the draft plans are shared) do I have to sell it to you?
No, you don’t have to sell your home, but we would like it to be part of the regeneration. We can’t deliver the changes the community has asked for without demolishing some homes. If a number of households don’t want to be part of the demolition, we may have to look at other options to achieve the changes needed.
Will you Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) my home?
Riverside doesn’t have the legal authority to compulsory purchase homes and is not currently exploring CPO.
I’m an owner occupier, have paid my mortgage off and don’t want to start again. How will you support me?
We are working with our home ownership team to look at options for households that would like to move but don’t want to take out another mortgage or rent from Riverside. We are working on these options and will share them with you once they have been finalised. We will employ a panel of financial advisors, independent of Riverside, who will provide free, confidential advice to support residents in a key location.
Will we need to move off the estate while building work happens?
We are aiming to move as many residents as we can just once. There may be occasions where moving a household twice is more suitable. This will be discussed and agreed with the individual household. If you need to move out of your home, we will work with you to organise the move, advise on timescales and help minimise any disruption to you. Our plans will ensure all facilities such as schools and shops remain open during regeneration work.
When is Riverside going to start purchasing properties?
Before we purchase any properties, we will need to submit a planning application to the council and have individual conversations with owner occupiers. Below is our aspiration for timescales, which is just a guide at the moment:
- To share draft plans – early 2023
- Share final plans – spring 2023
- Submit the planning application – spring 2023
I’m a private tenant, will you make me homeless and just work with my landlord?
No, we are committed to supporting all residents in homes identified for potential demolition. We will work with you during this process. To discuss your concerns, you can arrange a conversation with the regeneration team who will explain how we can support you.
How is the regeneration funded?
We plan on investing around £60 million on the regeneration. This will be funded through a variety of public sector organisations, including Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Riverside