Care and Support schemes
PrintCustomers within our Care and Support schemes will have opportunities to be involved with local engagement events in their own homes and buildings.
These will vary from scheme to scheme.
Any issues that a customer or customers in a scheme feel Riverside should be aware of can be fed back through scheme staff.
In Care and Support, we are committed to providing flexible, local opportunities to you to have input into the design and delivery of the services you receive. Whether that be by taking part in the recruitment of new colleagues, shaping policy and procedure, or becoming a “buddy” for a new customer, we want you to feel supported and empowered to have your say.
Our “Service Involvement Commitments” are co-produced and will set out pledges for involvement in every service across the Group. We provide bespoke training on co-production and are always on the lookout for champions who want to contribute to national projects affecting Care and Support. If you are interested, please talk to a member of staff in your service who will be able to help.
How to setup a Care and Support scheme group
If you would like to know more details about groups within your scheme or if you wish to form a new group please speak to your scheme staff who will be happy to help you.