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Riverside Customer Voice Executive


Riverside Customer Voice Executive role is to be a “critical friend” – independent but working in partnership with Riverside. It ensures customer views and concerns are properly heard and taken into account at all levels of the organisation.

A strong customer voice

The Riverside Customer Voice Executive plays a crucial role in making Riverside better. Watch the video to find out what they’re all about.

All customers of Riverside’s 50,000 properties are automatically members of the Riverside Customer voice. The Executive is an elected body of up to 21 Riverside customers from the different regions. This is the main route for Riverside to consult with customers.

The RCVE has an observer on Riverside’s Group board which means that customers have a voice at the highest decision-making table in the organisation.

Here are the latest RCVE minutes.


The role of scrutiny is to take a detailed look into the service Riverside provides, drive improvements from customer perspective, and be a ‘critical friend’ to Riverside as part of Co-Regulation.

Findings and recommendations made by scrutiny will be put forward to the RCVE who will constructively challenge Riverside with these findings for them to respond to.

We want to improve and your views count

 Our members are at the heart of what we do and that’s why we want you to help us understand what Riverside needs to do better.

By joining RCVE you will:

  • Improve your influencing and negotiation skills
  • Help us to understand our customers’ needs better
  • Improve your own understanding of Riverside as a landlord
  • Improve your analytic and gathering information skills
  • Improve your CV potential
  • Make new friends along the way

Register your interest in becoming an RCVE member

Read our constitution

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