People with mental health difficulties
PrintServices for people experiencing mental health difficulties
Riverside offers a full range of services for people experiencing mental health difficulties from 24 hour supported accommodation to support promoting recovery in the community. We aim for our customers to progress to living the most fulfilling role they can within society, so support is tapered as customers gain more independence. Riverside’s mental health pathway of services includes:
- Recovery accommodation services to prevent hospital admissions during mental health crisis.
- Step-down accommodation services for customers leaving specialist inpatient services.
- 24-hour care services for customers with moderate care and support needs.
- Community-based floating support for people in their own homes who are on the way to recovery and who now only need low level support to maintain independence.
By offering this range of services we believe we will enable those commissioning mental health care to:
- Achieve transformation of mental health services.
- Offer alternatives to inpatient admission in the community.
- Make efficiency savings by avoiding inpatient stays or out of county placements.
Recovery Works Programme
By employing a co-ordinated approach – working in close collaboration with local authorities, clinical teams, community mental health groups together with the family and friends of the customer wherever possible we deliver personalised support and care for those experiencing mental health difficulties.
Housing with mental health support
Our mental health supported living services are alternatives to continued residential and institutional placements. Supporting independence while providing a safe and protected environment. Housing with care and support can be a step on the recovery journey for those leaving high support services, with a focus on medication support, risk management and independent living skills.
Community care
Our mental health community care support services enable customers to live independently in their own accommodation but with minimal formal support. The level of care and support, gradually decreases as customers ‘find their feet.’ Delivered in the home setting, by our trained, expert teams help includes medication monitoring and risk management to avoid crises situations.
Mental Health First Aid Programme
Through a series of one-to-one: and group training sessions our customers, with identified mental health needs, and their support network become Mental Health First Aiders. So they can proved support the customer once the formal support process ceases.
Care Quality Commission
Those services offering a regulated activity under the Health and Social Care Act are registered with the Care Quality Commission.
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