People with complex needs
PrintCare services for people with complex and multiple needs
Riverside provides tailored services for people with combined histories of homelessness, mental health and substance misuse. They may live in unstable housing and ‘fall in-between’ conventional services. As their needs are multiple and complex, they require specialised care to retain independence, choice and control into later life. By offering a suitable place to live for people who display challenging behaviours we can prevent frequent housing moves and provide stability.
Key to our approach to our services for people with complex and multiple needs is stabilisation, harm minimisation and personalisation. From our extensive experience in this field, we’ve found this gives the best basis from which to manage the customer’s presenting needs while creating the best environment for recovery, towards long-term condition management.
Our highly skilled teams have an understanding of all aspects of homelessness or mental health and the associated life experiences, including training in Korsakoff’s syndrome and alcohol related dementia. Support focuses on short-term goals to achieve longer term outcomes. We can assess customer needs and implement plans, while providing suitable accommodation with the aim of:
- Stabilising short- and long-term health conditions.
- Managing issues around end of life care, if required.
- Ensuring customers are placed in an appropriate environment, where all their needs can be addressed.
- Minimising the harm caused by any ongoing substance misuse issues.
- Adopting a practical, recovery-based approach to mental health issues.
- Ensuring there is a comprehensive, customer-designed plan for end of life care here necessary.
- Working with other professionals from across health and social care to ensure that all needs are met.
By providing our services in this way, we are able to reduce harm to the individual and expensive misuse of other services. There are clear benefits to Adult Social Care Commissioners, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Hospital Trusts, as we aim to:
- Reduce the repeated use of A&E.
- Reduce hospital admissions and subsequent repeated admissions.
- Reduce bed blocking.
Care Quality Commission
Those services offering a regulated activity under the Health and Social Care Act are registered with the Care Quality Commission.
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