
Find out what to do if you are considering re-mortgaging or changing mortgage lender.

Re-mortgages and name changes


Re-mortgaging or changing mortgage lender

Whether you own your property outright or are a shared owner with us, our consent is usually needed if you wish to re-mortgage to change to a new mortgage provider or to borrow money against your property.

We will require written details from either your mortgage lender or your solicitor, and we’ll work with them throughout the process. An administration fee is payable for this service.
Contact us to let us know if you are considering re-mortgaging.

Changing names on your lease

If you have changed your name following a marriage or civil partnership, or by deed poll, we will need to see a copy of the certificate and then we will update our records. This is free of charge.

If you need to add or remove names on your lease for example if you have married or separated, there are certain requirements that must be met. As the lease is a legal document, you will need to appoint a solicitor to do this and ask them to give us notice of the change. We’ll work with your solicitor throughout the process. An administration fee is payable for this service.

Contact us if you need to make changes to the people named on your lease.