Leadership in Care and Support
We will reshape our services to ensure we remain one of the country’s leading providers of supported housing and care, maintaining a strong voice to advocate for customers with support and care needs and increasing our impact in preventing and tackling homelessness.
The merger has brought together two organisations equally passionate about providing care and support in a housing setting, making us one of the country’s largest providers of supported housing.
We now provide accommodation for more than 12,000 customers with varying needs, ranging from those at risk of becoming homeless or experiencing homelessness, people living with mental health conditions and older people in both independent living and care settings.
The need for our homes and services is increasing as the nation learns to live with Covid and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. At the same time our ability to deliver services in a cost-effective way has become more constrained. Our delivery costs are escalating, often at a much faster rate than our income.

So, while we want to continue to play a leading role in meeting some of the nation’s most challenging housing and support needs, we will need to identify what we do well and where, and then do it better, in this way we will create a business of the right size and with the right balance of activities.
Over the next three years, we will:
Maintain our position as a leading mainstream housing association provider of supported housing and care.
Create a focused and high performing business building on the best of what we do.
Exit services where we we’re not able to provide best value or achieve viability.