Trusted customer services
We will strengthen trust in Riverside as a landlord by improving our customers’ experiences, making it quick and easy to have queries resolved and repairs completed. We will listen to the views of our diverse customers and shape our services to reflect their needs and aspirations, keeping our promises and being transparent when our service falls short.
We have made significant investment in services to customers over the last three years, based on a ‘customer first’ approach, with a strong focus on our digital offer. But our customers tell us that, following the pandemic, they value the importance of their local community, networks and services more than ever. Consultation after consultation has highlighted the importance of our front-line colleagues having a visible presence, and we understand the essential ‘anchor’ role we play in communities across the country.
Two of the key pledges made to our customers as part of the merger are that we will deliver better services and ensure that there is a louder customer voice. We will be bringing our services together over the course of the plan, providing the opportunity to drive the improvements we are seeking.

Despite our ongoing work, we know there is still much more to be done to improve our customer satisfaction levels. Customers have told us that they find it difficult to have their queries resolved and their repairs completed quickly, and we know that complaint handling needs to improve. We also need to do more to demonstrate to our customers that we understand their local issues and are committed to working in and with communities to deliver services that respond to local needs.
Over the next three years, we will:
Listen and act, expanding engagement opportunities for customers and increase accountability.
Keep our promises by delivering high quality services and being transparent about our performance.
Improve customer satisfaction with a ‘get it right first time’ approach.