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Time for the housing sector to own changes

With the government’s Social Housing White Paper published, our Chief Executive Carol Matthews says it is time to explore how the housing sector can ‘own’ any changes. I was extremely saddened to read Meghan Markle’s piece about the loss of her baby and the fact that she is very rarely asked the simple but important

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Protecting rough sleepers during the second wave

Riverside’s John Glenton, Executive Director of Care and Support, reflects on Everybody In and how properly-funded emergency accommodation for people sleeping rough must be the priority going forward… As we have been living with the impacts of Covid for almost nine months I think we sometimes forget that the Government and the civil service is

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First homelessness service for LGBTQ+ community opens in Manchester

Elaine grey coat with Riverside's Eleanor Watts at the service

Greater Manchester’s first commissioned homeless service for people identifying as LGBTQ+ and experiencing homelessness has opened in the region. The new accommodation is situated on the outskirts of the city and has six modern flats for people aged 18 plus, providing residents a safe place that is free from discrimination, while also ensuring that they

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Riverside completes £150m private bond issue with international investor

The Riverside Group Limited (Riverside) has completed a £150m private bond issuance with Pricoa Private Capital. The private placement is split into two deferred issuances, with the first £50 million Series A note issuance to be closed in March 2021, with a maturity in 2041; and the second £100 million Series B note issuance to

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Riverside and its customer champions have warmly welcomed the Government’s new social housing charter.

Published this month, a white paper entitled “The Charter for Social Housing Residents” sets out to make major reforms to support housing customers in England. Drawn up in consultation with social housing customers, it pledges to reform the Regulator of Social Housing and Housing Ombudsman which regulate the sector, bring in more accountability through an

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Keeping warm this winter

As the cold weather sets in, we want to make sure you’re comfortable at home. There are some common problems that can happen around the house during the winter months, but some of them can be easily prevented or resolved, without you needing to call us. Here’s what you can do to look after your

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Riverside’s Affordable Warmth Service has life changing impact to tenants

Fuel Poverty Awareness Day 2020

To mark Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, Riverside’s Affordable Warmth Service gives an insight into the huge difference the team make to tenants lives by helping them get reconnected on to the supply, access cheaper tariffs, apply for warm home discounts and give advice on the most energy efficient ways to heat your home. Michelle Melvin,

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Making a difference – Working with Riverside’s Board

Richard Nichols, Riverside Customer Voice Executive talks about how he became a board observer after contacting Riverside about a problem he had experienced. I initially found out about Riverside Customer Voice (RCVE) when following up on a problem I had experienced, which I considered to be poor customer service.  Whilst accessing the company website I

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