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Want to be part of ending homelessness?

Ali Clintworth, Impact Fund Manager.

In this short blog Ali Clintworth explains from her own first-hand experience – what an outstanding and fulfilling opportunity our Business Development Officer role offers.  A job description and job title can only tell you so much about a job, and often doesn’t get into the detail we’d ideally love to have before hitting that

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Manchester United legend Denis Irwin goes back to school in Carlisle

Manchester United legend Denis Irwin recently visited Richard Rose Central Academy, a school which receives funding and support from Riverside in partnership with Manchester United Foundation and Carlisle United Community Sports Trust. The school benefits from the presence of a full-time Foundation coach, who works with the students, feeder primary schools and within the local

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Lessons from Kerslake can help councils avoid surge in homelessness

John Glenton, Executive Director of Care & Support

As we approach World Homeless Day, Exec Director John Glenton reflects on how the recently published Kerslake Commission report into rough sleeping offers the Government a ready-made blueprint to end homelessness.  On the eve of World Homeless Day, as we approach the winter, the pressures on those at risk of homelessness are increasing. In July

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Inclusivity for a diverse workforce

By Emily McEvoy, Talent Acquisistion Assistant I am a lesbian woman in her 20s but my sexuality isn’t something I really think about so much these days, it is completely natural to me. I feel eternally grateful to those before me who fought for our rights as LGBT people and paved the way for me

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LGBT and mental health

By Lee Buss-Blair, Director of Operations We often talk about the importance of being able to be your authentic self at work, and of visible role models. But why is that, why are these things so important? I’m a man of a certain age, and while it would be impolite to ask me what age

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Respecting diversity on Bi Visibility Day 

By John Glenton, Spectrum Executive Sponsor   This month, the final touches are being made to our annual Stonewall Workplace Equality Index submission and I am proud that we have been a Stonewall top 100 company for the past eight years.  I know some people may ask that with all the priorities we have at Riverside like improving our customer experience and the important merger work with One Housing, why do we still focus our energy on these

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Bi Visibility 2021 

  By Jenny Crocker, Specrtum Co-Chair   Bi Visibility Month and, in particular Bi Visibility Day, is a time to recognise and celebrate bisexuality, bi history, community and culture.    Bisexual is an umbrella terms used to refer to sexual orientations which express sexual and/or emotional attraction to more than one gender, or regardless of gender. However, many people who do not identify as gay or straight also do not identify

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