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LGBT History Month

John Glenton, Riverside's Executive Director for Care and Support

During LGBT History Month John Glenton, Executive Director of Care and Support and Co-Chair of Riverside’s LGBT staff group Spectrum, looks at how far we have come in terms of LGBT equality in the UK.

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Time to Sparkle

As Riverside gets ready to attend Sparkle, the biggest Transgender Pride of the year, Support Worker Danielle Oliver reflects back at what this year has brought for her as a transgender woman.

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Riverside’s Pledge to Tackling Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse make a stand pledge

Chief Executive, Carol Matthews explains why Riverside has signed up to the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand pledge Every four years, we all get excited about the World Cup. (Well, some of us! As a Scot, I am completely disinterested). Offices around the country have their sweepstakes. England fans just have that wee bit

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Riverside joins national campaign to tackle domestic abuse

Riverside has signed up to a new national campaign to help it tackle domestic abuse in communities that they deliver services in. The Make a Stand campaign centres around a pledge which has been developed by the Chartered Institute of Housing in partnership with Women’s Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA). It consists

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Residents shape new homes and improvements in Lewisham


Tenants are having their say on multi-million pound proposals to build new housing and improve existing homes in Lewisham. Riverside is looking to help tackle the capital’s housing shortage and improve properties for current tenants. Customers at Gillan Court, in Grove Park, have shared their views on proposals to build additional homes on the car

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